The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.
Out on a Limb
“Bipartisan Compromise in House Appears Dead”–headline, Morning Call (Allentown, Pa.), Oct. 8
Generalissimo Francisco Franco Is Still Dead
“Week 2: Media Still Can’t Navigate ObamaCare Exchanges”–headline,, Oct. 8
Will They Supply Old Magazines Too?
“White House Press Secretary Jay Carney admitted to reporters on Monday that there were still problems with the federal Obamacare website for health care exchanges,” the Washington Examiner reports:
Carney said government engineers were working on the problem, but continued to blame the high volume of online traffic for the difficulties experienced on the site.
“CMS has put up a gate at the front end of the system that places visitors in a waiting room and lets them in at a particular pace so that the surge in volume does not cause the problems that it caused in the past,” Carney said during Monday’s White House press briefing.
Wow, that’s brilliant! Thanks to ObamaCare, you can now spend hours in a waiting room without leaving the comfort of your home.
For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.